Saturday, January 26, 2008


My horoscope today on

Today's Cancer Horoscope for Jan 26, 2008
A fascinating article that you read in the newspaper could inspire you to try to create a mystery story of your own, dear Cancer. Today your mind is perfectly suited to thinking up twists and turns of plot, and interesting but complex characters. You could tell the story to children, or you might even decide to actually turn it into a novel. Jot down your ideas, and look at them again tomorrow. Then if you want to continue, go for it!

I ADORE horoscopes that are this specific, not withstanding the fact that I
  1. haven't read a newspaper on a Saturday since moving to Seattle;
  2. don't like to read mysteries;
  3. have no interest whatsoever in creating a mystery story, being instead all science fiction-y right now.

Still, I am trying to write, so obviously this horoscope must be true for me, right?.

What I really like is the idea that all the Cancers in the world will get the urge to write or tell (to children?) a mystery story today. According to GeoHive Global Statistics, the population of the world as of January 26, 2008 is 6,646,342,046. Leaping to the assumption that the zodiac signs for this population are equally distributed across the 12 signs, there would be 553,861,837.1666666667 people inspired by reading a newspaper to create a mystery story with lots of plot twists and complex characters. Wouldn't that be just excellent on so many levels?

Some of you may remember to my shame and horror that I share my July 6 birthday not only with Nancy Reagan, but also with our current president, George W. Bush. It's not something I like to brag about. On the plus side, I can also claim Sylvester Stallone, the rapper 50 cent, and the current Dalai Lama!

Oh, how truly excellent the world would be if all the famous, infamous, and obscure Cancers across the world were compelled to create a mystery story today, but specifically this small group! That's the mystery story I would like to write: The mystery of the day George Bush, Nancy Reagan, Sylvester Stallone, 50 cent, the Dalai Lama, and Susan Libby all sat down to a newspaper and were inspired to write a mystery story. The creative exercise of imagining what type of mystery each of these characters might create would be more fun than a human should be allowed to have! Shall we all be killed off in mysterious circumstances and finally the hero realizes at the end after much detective work, that the only thing that ties us all together is our July 6 birthday and our mystery writing? Fun, fun, fun!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I read the section that lists your current books. No science fiction. Yet you clearly state that you are CURRENTLY on a SF binge. Hmmm.

No problem, just pointing out that I really am paying attention to what you are writting. I am not very good at the kicking in the ass to get motivated to write catagory. I do have very good training in motivation by kicking ass.... hmmm.

well, to much about me !!!

Sue, looks to to me as if you are writting as you should. Keep it up or I might have to flame you!


Anonymous said...

What would that .1666666667 of a person say?

"arrrrrrgh i'm just a head....." and then they'd die. The dead head.