Thursday, February 21, 2008

I'm Back

Howdy folks (I hear that phrase in brother Mike's voice for some reason).

So I've talked to all of you, thus you already know about my big weekend. That makes it hard to find something to write about frankly. I admit that I haven't been writing at all lately -- on this blog or elsewhere -- or reading either. Mostly on the off-time, I've been watching TV, movies, and sleeping, but not in a sad, escapist way. I kinda have that disoriented feeling like when you come home after a long vacation.....

I'm choosing to view this as a germinating period, where clearly LOTS of stuff is going on inside but it's not ready to come out yet. So, bear with me and keep being your wonderful, patient, supportive selves.

I'm frustrated and irritated with the job hunt today. Friday I interviewed with Lance Leasure at Catalysis (yes, his name still makes me giggle) and think it went well, so hope they call me back. They don't seem to be in a huge hurry though.

Yesterday, had another round with Fulcrum. Shit! What is it going to take for them to make a decision? I really hope the boss is not this indecisive all the time 'cause that will drive me bananas. I had the initial phone screen, the 1st in-person interview with the boss, a second interview with a group of PMs, and yesterday they said I would meet with the CFO, HR, and the boss again. I was hopeful they would actually make an offer, but no, it really was more basic information gathering on their part -- and the boss asked me several of the same questions again and didn't remember asking them before or what I had answered. Maybe they did it on purpose as a test of some kind because I really did have trouble not being really impatient with him......


On a more positive note, I had this really great horoscope this morning. Wouldn't it be great if I got a really challenging, interesting project today?!?

Today's Cancer Horoscope: Feb 21, 2008
For those who know the real you, it is frustrating to see your lack of confidence, dear Cancer. The range of your talents and abilities is startling to the rest of us mere mortals, yet you rarely give yourself credit for all that you are capable of. Today you are given an opportunity to participate in a project that could make or break your career. Rather than hesitating, weighing your capabilities in your mind and coming up short, get over yourself and just do it! Not only can you do this, you can do it better than anyone else.

Later folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm telling Lance.

No, I'm really not (I promise), but you might consider that *somebody* could...